....Mission Heights Childcare Centre..Mission Heights托儿所....
....Mission Heights Childcare Centre..Mission Heights托儿所....
....Mission Heights Childcare Centre..Mission Heights托儿所....
....Mission Heights Childcare Centre..Mission Heights托儿所........Our brief was to design a building for 50 children ranging from 3 months to just under 5 years, specifically 10 children under 2 and 40 children over 2 years of age on a site of 1500m² allocated in the south-west corner of the school site, meeting all Ministry of Education’s licensing requirements and reflecting the aesthetics of the new Mission Heights school.We placed the car parks in the front of the building with the children’s playgrounds on the rear north and south-east sides of the site, setting the building along a east/west axis, using the building as a physical barrier for the children, minimizing the use of fences and gates for security and safety.This enables us to have the two groups of children beside each other in plan, in both the building and playground layout for visual connection between the two as required by the Early Childhood Education regulations to optimize learning and supervision.The east/ west plan with a mono-pitch roof not only allows us to be sympathetic with the new school design aesthetic but also achieve a large north facing building.The positioning of the playgrounds at the rear also gave us an opportunity to maximize the use of the sloping site to have our storage for equipment and the like under the building, without extending our building footprint...托儿所可以容纳50名从三个月到5岁的儿童,其中两岁以下的10人,两岁以上的40人。建筑面积1500平米,位于基地西南角。符合教育部各项规定,也符合Mission Heights学校的风格。停车位位于托儿所正面,儿童游乐场位于托儿所后方和基地东南角。建筑成为了天然的格挡,从安全方面尽量减少篱笆和门。使得我们可以设计两个儿童游乐场,游乐场和托儿所视线通透,方便进行早教的老师监管。东西向采用单坡屋顶,不但美观大方,还给北向留下了向阳空间。利用地形还在游乐场后方见了仓库和存放设备,节省了建筑空间。....
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