....Chan Mow Supermarket..陈茂超市....
....Chan Mow Supermarket..陈茂超市....
....Chan Mow Supermarket..陈茂超市....
....Chan Mow Supermarket..陈茂超市........The proposed 6,695m² new supermarket and produce market project is divided into two separate buildings elements on the site. The supermarket is located along Vaea Street, the main road in Apia, while the produce market is located on Togafuafua Road which runs parallel to Vaea Street.The design was inspired by the roof lines of the client’s existing historical supermarket building in Apia. It was his wish for the buildings to reflect his Chinese/Samoan heritage and this translated into a contemporary architectural vernacular, linking the past and the future for his company.The Produce Market building is a modern translation of traditional Chinese and Pacific architecture, with its columns and open plan, much like the Samoan fale. It will be used 24/7 by stallholders to sell their produce to the public.The Supermarket building took its cue from the Produce Market and, with its peaking corner towers, addresses Vaea Street. The supermarket has a floor area of approximately 2,200m² with a departmental floor area of approximately 2,000m², a restaurant, café, bakery and associated auxiliary functions. Car parking space for the users of this building addresses a growing need in Apia...新的6695平米超市和自由市场是两栋独立的建筑。超市坐落在阿皮亚市的主要道路Vaea街上,自由市场则在平行的Togafuafua路上。超市设计受到客户在阿皮亚市的旧超市屋顶启发,用现代化的手法,与客户公司的悠久历史巧妙结合起来,同时还反映了客户中国/萨摩亚混血的情怀自由市场设计结合了中国和萨摩亚建筑,梁柱结构和开阔的空间,很像萨摩亚传统的自由市场,可以全天候对外销售。超市坐落在角塔上,和自由市场穿插在一起,面积2200平米,此外还有2000平米的饭馆,咖啡馆,面包店和其他配合功能等。客户停车场还为城市提供了大量停车位。整个项目在2014年完工。....
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